Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday Wishes

"Stop wishing your life away."  I guess my freshman roommate had grown tired of my standard wish that Friday would hurry up already. As I declared my wish for the thousandth time she reminded me that Tuesday mornings should be just as good. Life is, after all, what you make it and me wishing it was Friday wasn't going to make it happen any sooner. I agreed with the sentiment, but never broke the habit.

Todays short list ...
I wish I had gone to Vegas for the WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International) Convention.
I wish April would hurry up and get here.
I wish I had it all together.
I wish my besties lived closer.

April, May and June are going to be super busy as I'll be full steam ahead into my first wedding season. Until then, I vow to make the most of every day and enjoy the calm before the storm. At least... that is my wish :)


  1. totally wish I was able to go to WPPI too...
    le sigh...

  2. I wish you would bring Olivia to Vegas with you. I could totally take time off and babysit.
